
Friday, March 25, 2011

Moving Day

Today we are moving from the hotel into our new home. Yesterday the movers came and unloaded all of our household goods including our 4Runner! It was so good to see our car and house items. Driving the 4Runner felt like home. I actually drove on an autobahn yesterday for the first time and wasn't that scary! Totally manageable as long as you are very careful.

The move yesterday went a lot smoother than I had expected. I got the kitchen cleaned and mostly set up. The movers put everything where we requested and assembled our bed and Savannah's crib. Today we are moving everything from our hotel and tonight will be our first night there! We won't be online for a few days because we have to get the internet set up so you won't see any new updates for a bit. I'll be back with lots of photos and stories in about a week, fingers crossed for sooner!

We love and miss everyone very very much!


  1. Awesome. Has to be nice to see your things from home!

  2. Yes!I did it! So glad to be able to let you guys know I am here reading up and following along. I love the slideshow. Great pics!
